Mar 30 2009

Ally’s first trip to the Dentist

Published by at 10:11 pm under family

Last week we took Ally to the dentist for the first time. . . We held off last year since she’s always been super sensitive with anything in her mouth, strong tastes etc. We started off nice and easy and decided to just have the dentist take a quick peek in her mouth and do a super quick brush with just the teeniest bit of floride. . all in all he was done in a little over a minute. She wanted to sit on Nicholas’ lap since she saw him get his teeth cleaned. She was cool with it until the chair laid back and the dentist approached. In the following progression of pictures, you can clearly see what her feelings were regarding the whole ordeal. BUT. .she survived and got a balloon dog and a tooth shaped ring that left her smiling by the time we left the room 🙂

We’re good. .sittin’ with my big brother. . .
Oh crap!. . .He’s not coming for me is he???
Escape! Escape!

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Ally’s first trip to the Dentist”

  1. brungrrlon 31 Mar 2009 at 10:48 am

    🙁 Awww… she’s breaking my heart to pieces with those tears!

  2. Seattlemamaon 31 Mar 2009 at 12:31 pm

    Awww Ally-girl!!!! I have to second brunrrl’s comment! Oh baby!

    What a trooper…sigh….

    On a side note, that outfit fits her perfectly! I am so glad! Yah! Cutie pie….Kudos to big brother N for being such a helper! Glad she left feeling better 😉

  3. sheaaa6on 01 Apr 2009 at 11:20 am

    I can totally see the “oh crap!” on her face……lol
    What a sweetheart, I gigled until I saw the last two photo’s. 🙁 Poor Sweet Ally!
    Can’t wait to see how you scrap this one though! 🙂

  4. bandjlangdonon 09 Apr 2009 at 2:21 am

    Wow, if she wanted to run I cannot imagine the terror that will go through M’s mind! Ha! Poor little Ally.

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